Well... it has been an adventurous three weeks with our precious little girl. She is growing for sure... I forgot to post that at birth, she weighed 6 lbs. 2 oz. and was 19 inches long. She is growing and we will soon have an update when she goes for her one month appointment. Time has gone so fast and we are enjoying every second. Grand Mommy and Papa were here visiting from NC for two weeks and we had several adventures with them including many firsts (for them and Sadie Mac). Life has changed quite a bit and we are learning new things every day. We know sometimes she is probably thinking... "What are you guys doing?" (see picture below!) We see God's grace all over her and are amazed He would give us this little treasure to care for and raise. We are having the time of our lives (when we are not having to take naps and recover from long nights!) Such a sweet gift!
The lazy days of Sadie Mac.