Monday, November 9, 2009

Lions, Tigers, & Bears! (oh my!)

This past weekend we spent the day at city zoo to see the lions, tigers, and bears. Sadie Mac loved everything except... the big animals!! She was so funny when we got near the hippo, camel, or elephant, she was not interested!!! Poor thing would cry or squirm until we would take her away. Her favorite animals were all the stray cats running around everywhere. It was a fun little adventure and thankfully, the weather was perfect and we enjoyed it with some friends!

Camel Ride!!
Sadie Screaming, "NO Mama NO!!"

Stephen fed the hungry, hungry hippo... and Sadie wanted to be far, far away from it! Granted, it did look like a monster!

Feeding the Doves

Can't get her eyes off the zebra for a photo!

Again, she wouldn't take her eyes off of the lions to take a photo!

Clinging (and squirming) to daddy for dear life! (poor thing thinking)... "Is that an elea-monster?"

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